Thursday, October 24, 2013

Halloween in Your Closet: Amy Pond

Halloween Amy Pond Doctor Who

Happy Friday everyone! There's less than a week before Halloween and I haven't bothered to buy a costume. So.... what's a girl to do? Better yet, what's a girl who blogs about the clothes in her closet to do? 

Raid her closet for a suitable costume of course! I chose Amy Pond, probably my all time favourite companion to the Doctor! (If you can't tell, I'm a big Doctor Who fan.)

Halloween, Amy Pond, Doctor Who, costume, zara, H&M, red hoodie, vianni
 The easiest Halloween costumes are those of pop culture characters I think. A lot of them require minimal effort on makeup, sewing, etc. nor do they require any money to be spent! A quick look at my closet revealed a ton of different outfits for different characters - Amy Pond, Clara Oswin Oswald, River Song, Katniss Everdeen, Carrie Bradshaw, or Uhura. While your closet may not yield an exact copy of a character's outfit, you'll definitely be able to find an inspired outfit. Be creative!

Halloween, Amy Pond, Doctor Who, costume, zara, H&M, red hoodie, vianni
 Amy Pond has a pretty standard uniform in my opinion. It's often an over-sized sweater, mini skirt and either converse or boots - perfect for running around the with the Doctor. Other times, she wears a sweater dress and a cool jacket.

Halloween, Amy Pond, Doctor Who, costume, zara, H&M, red hoodie, vianni
 For me, the most memorable outfit Amy wore was a giant dolman sweater in bright red. Perhaps it was the bright colour, or maybe just the scary episode it appeared in (God, I hate the Weeping Angels). The original was actually from American Apparel (or looked exactly like one they sold), but they don't sell it anymore. 

Halloween, Amy Pond, Doctor Who, costume, zara, H&M, red hoodie, vianni
In lieu of the American Apparel version, I found this one from Zara last summer and when I saw it... I knew I needed it. It would be perfect for a bit of Doctor Who inspiration, and the light fabric meant I could dress as Amy in the summer as well!

Top: Zara (Old) (Similar here)
Bottom: H&M skirt, H&M tights
Shoes: Roberto Vianni (similar here)


  1. Love the colors! Great photos. Thanks for reaching out to me on IFB :)

    1. No problem! I'm always happy to find a new blog to read. =]

  2. Love love the colors!! The bright red is stunning for the Fall season! :)

    1. Thanks! Bright colours just cheer me up when the sky is grey.

  3. Come along pond now all of time and space everything that ever happen or ever will. Where do you want to start?

    nice costume by the way also loved amy pond as the doctor's companion.

    1. Thanks! Amy and Rory were my absolute favourite companions.

    2. No problem by the way who is your doctor if I may ask?

    3. That's such a tough decision! I think I liked either Christopher Eccleston or Matt Smith best. They were really lighthearted for the most part, which I enjoyed. After Rose, I thought David Tennant was a bit too moody for my liking.

    4. I agree with on David's Doctor being a bit moody but overall a good doctor. If you have chosen the 11th doctor as your doctor then you have won my approval? I didn't know where I was going with that almost tried to be witty but I failed in that sorry.

    5. Oh, he was definitely a good Doctor, but eventually I thought it was a bit much. =P Haha, no worries, I'm not good at being witty either.

    6. Well good thing I'm not alone on the witty thing. Nice talking to you. You seem like delightful person to talk to and maybe get to know.

    7. Thanks for the comments, feel free to drop by anytime (or on any of my other social media outlets)

    8. You're very welcome and now I bid adieu Mademoiselle

  4. You've done a good job! XO

  5. Wow you did such a great job with matching the outfit! Amy was my favorite companion too, I actually named my cat after her! Although I never understood how she was able to time travel in such short skirts!

    1. Thanks so much! Haha, I don't know, but I'm guessing she wore opaque tights a lot?

  6. OMG you instantly just gained a new follower! I L-O-V-E Doctor Who and I hardly ever meet anyone who has even heard of it! I guess it's because BBC isn't a standard channel over here. In fact, I just wrote a Doctor Who post that's going up this week. And I actually just discovered it last year and binge watched my way through all of the seasons in 2 have no idea how many hours in front of a TV that is! haha I hated Matt Smith for so long, simply because he wasn't David Tennant but now he's grown on me and he's leaving! Wah! Such is the life of a Doctor Who fan, right? I'm still devastated at the loss of the Ponds; they were my favorite! I was the same way about Rose and I never could like Martha because of it. Wow, this comment just turned into a book! haha Anyway, love the costume! My son is dressing as the Doctor for Halloween, maybe I need to be Amy! :)

    High Heels and Training Wheels

    1. Haha, thanks! I think that it just kind of depends on where you're looking for people who like it. I hang out with a lot of sci-fi and pop culture lovers, so they're all pretty into it. It was actually my parents who really got me into the show though - they used to watch it when they were kids!

  7. So witty! Love it! xx

  8. I love this idea. She and Donna are my favorite companions. You really rocked the outfit. Thanks so much for the comment on my blog. I love to hear from readers!

    1. Thanks! No problem, I like to read new blogs. =]

  9. You make an excellent Amy Pond!

  10. Thanks a ton! Haha, for heels to be comfortable you either need something really padded, or I think you're feet just become numb to the pain. >.<
