Friday, December 12, 2014

Etude House Baby Choux Mint Base Review

Hello all! I'm back with a bunch of beauty reviews for you as that's where my money seemed to go for the month of November! This time I'll be reviewing the Etude House Baby Choux Base in mint.

I dabbed a bit of red lipstick and applied the baby choux base on the top half. You can see the difference between where I left the lipstick alone, and where I covered it with the base here. The redness isn't completely gone, but it's blurred to blend into my skin.

Etude House says this is a makeup base to correct skin tone and create a smooth, powdery complexion. It comes in three colours, each with a different purpose – peach to correct sallow skin, berry to brighten, and mint to even out redness. It contains moisturizing properties, as well as SPF 33 PA++, meaning you're getting some pretty good UVA and UVB protection if anything.

As you can see, the base has a fluid texture making it easy to spread and blend out with either your fingers or a sponge. It blurs redness really well. Like... amazingly well. I would definitely recommend this is your suffer from red skin or rosacea. 

This doesn't offer any sort of real coverage, but you wouldn't want it to anyways. Apply too much, and you'll find yourself a pasty ghost! While this doesn't cover my more prominent acne scars (which are more of a purple tone rather than pink or red), this is excellent in covering the redness of acne, as well as reducing how red my face becomes due to the dry weather. I even used it to get rid of the redness around a stye I had, with no irritation and only good results! It also works to fill in wrinkles, pores, and the shallow acne scars I have.

I prefer to tap this into my skin with my fingers rather than rubbing it in like I would a silicon primer. This has a slot of slip and a powdery texture, just like traditional western primers, but feels a lot lighter on my skin. However, it doesn't do anything to increase the lasting power of my makeup. For reference, I only use a small amount – about half a pea size. I took a tip from Korean beauty blogger Pony, and apply it only to the areas on my face that have a tendency to get red – my cheeks, and around my nose – versus all over. The red areas blend into my natural skin tone this way, without making the normal areas overly pasty, meaning I don't need to use foundation after if I don't want.

This hasn't broken me out, clogged my pores, or given me any adverse reactions despite my acne-prone skin. However, it does have a light floral scent, so if you're sensitive to fragrance, you might want to stay away.

You can buy the baby choux base in the tube, or in the ever popular cushion form. I paid about $10 for mine from Beautynetkorea.

Amazing at covering redness
Fills in pores, and shallow wrinkles and scars
Not irritating

Some might not like the added fragrance
Need to buy online


  1. never heard of this, thanks for sharing!


  2. I have never heard of it either. That's amazing. Thx for sharing.


  3. Sounds cool. Never heard of it before. Thanks for sharing.

    Made in Mauve

  4. It's a really good product. I just wish it was easier to get.

  5. It's really nice, especially if you're prone to redness!

  6. It's great! Definitely helps my skin a lot.

  7. oh that sounds wondferful! I'd love to try that next!

